Flight Dynamics Facility News Briefs
FDF Modernization Status
The Flight Dynamics Facility has been operational on its new modernized system since the beginning of 2012. The implementation of the new system has allowed us to retire the entire FDF presence on the legacy Closed IONet, and replaced it with a newly constructed presence on the Restricted IONet. That new presence includes the use of the GMSEC messaging architecture for data distribution, automation, and monitoring and deployed brand new applications for the front end, initial data processing, data ingest and delivery, and mission support. While hosted completely on the Restricted IONet, the new FDF still maintains customer interfaces on the Open, Restricted, and Closed IONets, but now makes use of modern applications to host those interfaces and allow a more complete set of options for protocols with more configurability and consistency.
The revamped applications are also hosted in a new way – virtually! At the core of the new FDF is a virtualization environment that hosts three networks and all of the new servers (now virtualized). With this new system the FDF now has a much more flexible and robust computing environment that is easier to monitor and control. This is the beginning of the FDF Cloud – some 70 pieces of legacy hardware were retired and were replaced with equipment that fits in one rack. There are still some legacy servers that have come along for the ride, but as the modernization effort continues in Phase 2 and beyond, their days are numbered.
To get started exchanging data with the new FDF, you’ll need to establish access with the FDF Customer Interface. To get that access going, start by requesting information and an account on the new FDF Customer Interface: http://fdf.ndc.nasa.gov/forms